Battle.Net Chat Commands

Nov 21, 2008

A list of chat commands, shortcuts and hotkeys you can use while connected to Battle.Net, in-game or in single-player. Updated to include commands from the Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo games.

Universal Chat Commands
Chat Room Commands
Friends Commands
Chat Protection
In-Game Commands
Shortcut Commands

Universal Chat Commands

The following commands can be used in any chat channel. They can also be used during game setup or while a game is in progress.
  • /help (/?) - Help topics for different chat commands.
  • /whois [user] (/where, /whereis) - Looks up basic information on users.
  • /whoami - Displays your information on
  • /whisper [user] (/w, /m, /msg) - Sends a private message to a user online regardless of the channel he is in.
  • /r [message] - sends [message] to the last user who whispered you.
  • /ignore [user] (/squelch) - Ignores any future messages from that user, effectively muting that user to you. All players using the same IP address(ex. in a LAN) will be muted.
  • /unignore [user] (/unsquelch) - Allows a previously squelched user to talk to you normally.
  • /away [text] - Displays the text you entered whenever someone whispers to you or does a /whois command on you. To disable this command, type the command again.
  • /dnd [text] - Short for "Do Not Disturb", this prevents all whispers from displaying on your screen. To turn the DND mode off, just type /dnd without a reason.
  • /who [channel] - Displays a list of all users in the given channel.
  • /stats [user] ID -Displays the player's Win/Loss/Disconnect record for both normal and Ladder games. IDs: SEXP - StarCraft Expansion (Brood War), W2BNE - Warcraft II Edition, WAR3 - Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, WAR3X - Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.
  • /users - Displays the number of users currently on
  • /time - Displays the current time.
  • /ignorepersist - Diablo II: ignoring players is now saved between sessions of the game(file: "ignorelist"'). This command toggles that feature.(1.13d)
  • /home [channel name] - Diablo II: sets the home channel. Use "/home" to return to home channel(1.13d)

Chat Room Commands

The following commands can only be used while in a chat room.
  • /join [channel name] (/channel, /j) - Switches to a channel without having to use the channel join screen.
  • /emote [text] (/me) - Displays emotion text.
  • /rejoin - Makes you rejoin the channel you are currently in.
The following commands can only be used by channel operators:
  • /profile [user] -views the profile a user
  • /designate [user] - Selects [user] as the next channel operator when you step down, either by resigning or by leaving the channel. If the channel operator leaves the channel and has designated more than one person, the last person designated will have ops.
  • /resign - Step down as channel operator and become a normal user again.
  • /kick [user] - Kicks a user out of the channel.
  • /ban [user] - Kicks a user out of the channel and prevents them from returning until the current operator steps down or leaves the channel.
  • /unban [user] - Allows a banned user to return to the channel.
  • /clan (/c) - the base command for all clan commands.
  • /clan public (/c pub) - Makes the clan channel public, i.e. anyone can enter.
  • /clan private (/c priv) - Makes the clan channel private, i.e. only clan members can enter.
  • /clan mail [message] - Sends an e-mail containing the [message] to all clan members.
  • /clan motd [message] - Sets the clan's message of the day to [message].

Friends Commands

These commands let you manage your Friends list.
  • /friends (/f) - The base command for all friends operations.
  • /friends list (/f l) - Displays your current friends list and a summary of what each friend is currently doing on
  • /friends add [accountname] (/f a) - Adds the specified account name to your friends list.
  • /friends remove [accountname] (/f r) - Removes the specified account name from your friends list.
  • /friends msg [message] (/f m) - Sends a message to all of your friends.
  • /friends promote [accountname] {rank} (/f p) - Promotes the account name in your friends list. If no position is supplied (or is zero) then the friend will be promoted up one place in the list.
  • /friends demote [accountname] {position} (/f d) - Demotes the account name in your friends list. If no position is supplied (or is zero) then the friend will be demoted one place in the list.

Chat Protection

These commands allow you to customize which incoming chat messages are ignored.
  • /options (/o) - Displays your current preferences.
  • /options ignorewhispers (/o igw) - This command will ignore whispers from anyone who isn't in your friends list.
  • /options unignorewhispers (/o unigw) - This command will allow whispers from anyone who isn't in your friends list.
  • /options ignorepublic (/o igpub) - Ignore messages in public chat channels from anyone who isn't in your friends list.
  • /options unignorepublic (/o unigpub) - Allow messages in public chat channels from anyone who isn't in you friends list.
  • /options ignoreprivate (/o igpriv) - Ignore messages in private chat channels from anyone who isn't in your friends list.
  • /options unignoreprivate (/o unigpriv) - Allow messages in private chat channels from anyone who isn't in your friends list.
  • /options friendmail (/o fm) - Allows e-mails from users on your friends list.
  • /options nofriendmail (/o nofm) - Doesn't allow e-mails from users on your friends list.
  • /options clanmail (/o cm)- Allows e-mails from clan members including clan announcements.
  • /options noclanmail (/o nocm) - Doesn't allow e-mails from clan members, including clan announcements.
  • /filtermsg [content] - Diablo II: filters messages based on content. Max 128 chars. (1.13d)
  • /unfiltermsg [content] - Diablo II: unfilters messages based on content. Max 128 chars. (1.13d)

In-Game Commands

These commands can be used only when playing a game(not necessarily on Battle.Net).
  • /fps - Toggles a display of your current frame rate at the upper center of the screen.
  • /hideminimapsignals - Disables the display of mini-map signals from players and other observers.
  • /showminimapsignals - Enables the display of mini-map signals from players and other observers.
  • maxfps [framerate] - A cheat to limit the maximum frame rate to the given number. Works in single player only. Type "maxfps" to reset it to normal.

Shortcut Commands

Keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys for faster issuing of commands.
  • SPACEBAR - view last warning area
  • BACKSPACE - Warcraft III: cycles through main halls
  • F8 - Warcraft III: selects idle worker
  • F1 - Starcraft II: selects idle worker
  • F10 - Warcraft III: displays the game menus
  • F11 - Warcraft III: displays the Allies tab
  • F12 - Warcraft III: displays the message log
  • F12 - Starcraft II: displays help
  • CTRL+ALT+F - Starcraft II: show fps
  • CTRL+M - toggles music on/off
  • CTRL+S - toggles the sound on/off
  • ALT+G - sends minimap signal notification to allies
  • ALT+T - toggles display of terrain on the minimap 
  • ALT+A - Warcraft III: cycles through different unit color modes
  • ALT+F - Starcraft II: cycles through different unit color modes 
  • ALT+Q - end game options
  • CTRL+X - cuts the selected text
  • CTRL+C - copies the selected text
  • CTRL+V - pastes the selected text
  • CTRL+A - select all text
  • CTRL+N - Diablo II: Pastes the name you have selected
  • ALT+N - pastes the name you have selected
  • /d2notify - Diablo II: Toggle channel enter/leave notifications
  • ALT+V - Diablo, StarCraft, and Warcraft II BNE: Toggle channel enter/leave notifications
  • ALT+W with user selected - sends a private message to the selected user.
  • TAB - Diablo II: Cycles through the last 10 commands; StarCraft: Displays the last command then cycles through the users in the current channel.
  • ALT+R - Warcraft III: Allows users to respond to private messages. This will type "/w person'sname " allowing you to quickly respond without typing their name.

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