
Oct 10, 2008

SamWise in Warcraft 3 credits

Any true Blizzard gamer should recognize the name. Being the art director at Blizzard Entertainment, Samwise Didier's works can be seen in the the company's biggest games: Diablo, Starcraft and Warcraft.

SamWise has a thing for Pandas - he created the Panderen race - which he mentioned in the first episode of BlizzCast:

"... for some reason, I decided to do like a panda guy because, actually, also like “Samwise,” “Panda” is my nickname because I’m kind of a big hairy bear dude, but I’m not very fearsome. [laughs] So I got the nickname “Panda.”"

Quoting from his interview...
on personal influences: "It would definitely be Conan comic books that got me started. The Conan books with Frank Frazetta and John Buscema artwork."

on his art style: "Overall, the basic Blizzard art style is that everything's a little bit more over-proportioned, ..."

SamWise icon Panda icon

Trivia: Watch closely as the paladin opens his book to cast the Holy Light spell. What do you see on the book?

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