Jang "Spirit Moon" Jae Ho
Dec 15, 2008
Spirit_Moon is arguably the best Warcraft III player. With many titles under his belt, he is definitely one of the most successful players in e-sports.

Name: Jang Jae Ho
From: Incheon, South Korea
Birthdate: December 14, 1986
Nicknames: the Fifth Race, Andro, Andro-Jang, Fantasista
- Wikipedia
- Gosu Gamers profile
- MyM profile
- SK Gaming profile
- YouTube Channel
- Moon best paid rank in Korea
- WeMade Fox welcomes the Fifth Race
- Moon interview
- Moon interview by KidArctica
- eSports Award 2008
- Interview after Warcraft World War in 2007
- KeSPA Awards Moon, sAviOr as Korean Players of 2006
- The God of Warcraft 3 is human after all
- Fragster interview
- WWW interview
- Moon interviewed
- Interview with MooN - Intel Extreme Masters Chengdu
- Moon admits level 6 tinker "was fun"
- Pure & Moon interview with tour of WeMade FOX house
- Moon: "2009 will be my year"
- Moon's Zeppelin Micro
- 1 on 1 with Jang Moon JaeHo - best interview
- Moon receives "Best Player" award in Korea
- interview at BlizzCon
- Moon says Orc is imba
- First-Person VOD vs Lyn at NGL One Finals
- Digital Life 2007 video interview
- English interview at Dreamhack 2007
- Moon at WGT China