Li "Sky" Xiaofeng
May 5, 2009
Li "Sky" Xiaofeng is the best Human Warcraft III player.

Name: Li "Sky" Xiaofeng
From: China
Birthdate: March 27, 1985

- Sky, the man who is helping keep Warcraft3 alive
- Wikipedia
- Gosu Gamers profile
- SK Gaming profile
- Sky's personal blog
- Without a Word
- WE.Sky and the secret of victory - a magic book
- Life outside competitive gaming
- "Orc players are too strong"
- Upbeat Sky yearning for third WCG title
- Sky on his defeat in ESWC China pre-qualifier
- "Korea does not have a good Human"
- Working out at the Gym
- My First Opponent
- My first computer in winter 2001
- Sky: The guy with gosu micro
- PGL: Sky interviewed after All-Kill