Warcraft III CosPlay

Sep 21, 2008

Warcraft proved to be a popular theme for participants in the CosPlay event of WCG Philippines 2007. Overwhelming other entries from different animes, games and TV shows, the Warcraft characters stood out above the rest, bagging the top 3 prizes. None other than "Illidan" nabbed the top spot:

The 2nd place went to "Arthas, Lich King", who donned the full-body armor of the corrupted hero and carried the fabled Frostmourne:

"Orc" was the name of the 3rd-placer who spoke like a peon and acted like a grunt:

Other entries include the Warden and the Goblin Tinker. And here's a round-up of all the participants. The awarding ceremony showcased a role-play of the top 3 CosPlayers.

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