Warcraft, Starcraft and Red Alert

Feb 18, 2009

Imagine Warcraft, Starcraft and Red Alert were real people. And they were made to stand next to each other, side by side for everybody to see. Then each is compared with the others, weighing down their strengths and weaknesses. Who would stand out? All three games analyzed and reviewed.

You can practice Warcraft for two months and learn all the skills.
You can practice Starcraft for two years and still haven’t mastered the basics.
You can practice Red Alert for two decades and be as good as when you began playing.

When you can beat two computers in Warcraft, you can start winning in multi-player.
When you can beat seven computers in Starcraft, you still can't win against humans.
When you beat a computer for the eight millionth time in Red Alert, you realize you never played humans.

Play Warcraft for two hours and you can lose to the same strategy 8 times in a row, suffering a crushing defeat.
Play Starcraft for two hours and you can lose to 16 different strategies 8 times in a row, suffering a crushing defeat.
Play Red Alert for two years and you lose to the exact same thing forever, suffering a crushing defeat.

Play Warcraft and you only have to practice one race to learn all the match ups of that race.
Play starcraft and you will realize, 3 years later, a Zerg exterminator used to be good with the zerg.
Play Red Alert and you only need to practice one nation to learn every single nation.

Learn a few strategies in Warcraft and you can start winning.
Master fifty strategies in Starcraft and you still can't start winning.
Learn a few strategies in Red Alert and they’re all useless. Just stick to the one everyone uses, forever.

A noob's day in Warcraft: You cornered your enemy but they still managed to get out in one piece
A noob's day in Starcraft: You realize apart from gorilla warfare there is also ground pushes, ambushes, harass, seiging, nuking, faking, etc.
A noob’s day in Red Alert: You realize strategies are pointless—mass mass mass!

In Warcraft no matter how far you are from your base you can still return and save it in ten seconds(teleport).
In Starcraft your army can be in the east side of your base and yet your west portion still gets wiped out.
In Red Alert, pay attention to your ore miners.

In Warcraft you scout once every 5 minutes and know what your opponent's army consists of.
In Starcraft you scout 5 times every minute and still get false intelligence.
In Red Alert you scout for the first 5 minutes and there’ll be no need to do so anymore.

In Warcraft you can relax if you win a big battle.
In Starcraft you won a big battle and got caught by a drop, losing your base completely.
In Red Alert you won a big battle and you feel good — it’s just normal routine.

In Warcraft your army gets wiped out and you’re basically dead meat.
In Starcraft your army gets wiped out 10 times and the victor is still uncertain.
In Red Alert your army gets wiped out and it’s just everyday life — come back in 10 seconds.

In Warcraft you can watch half the replay and tell who's going to win.
In Starcraft you realize your prediction on the victor is wrong towards the last minute.
In Red Alert you don’t know what a replay is, nor do you know about live games.

In Warcraft you can hold back, turtle and wait for your chance to come.
In Starcraft if you hold back and turtle, you'll find out that every expansion is taken by your opponent with his workers working in it.
In Red alert you only fight for resource, that’s the way it is.

In Warcraft every unit you have is important.
In Starcraft you'll know what a horde is like.
In Red Alert a unit is made to die.

In Warcraft you're proud of your hero that's one level higher than your opponent's.
In Starcraft you're proud of your zealot that blew up 10 siege tanks by sacrificing itself to the spider mine field and tank fire.
In Red Alert you’re proud of your air unit that secured the resource node.

In Warcraft when your APM (actions per minute) is over 150 you'll get bored that you start setting rally points.
In Starcraft when your APM is over 150 you'll be able to execute the most basic commands.
In Red Alert when your APM is over 150 you’re out of your mind. APM does not exist in Red Alert.

In Warcraft you get excited when you micro 12 individual units.
In Starcraft carpet bombardment with 12 dropships on 12 different screens is still basic(maybe not...).
In Red Alert placing a building is micro.

In Warcraft even meteors can recognize friends from foes.
In Starcraft a careless psi storm will be more catastrophic to you than your opponent.
In Red Alert your units kill each other.

In Warcraft you always say ‘that’s logical'.
In Starcraft you always say ‘that's possible’.
In Red Alert you always say ‘that’s impossible’.

In Warcraft you'll learn what efficiency is.
In Starcraft you'll learn what quantity is.
In Red Alert you’ll learn what ranking is.

In Warcraft you'll learn the importance of level-ups.
In Starcraft you'll learn the importance of economy.
In Red Alert you’ll learn the importance of a huge army.

In Warcraft you learn how to battle.
In Starcraft you learn how to wage war.
In Red Alert you learn how to follow the instruction booklet.

In Warcraft you'll find out that there are some completely useless units in the game.
In Starcraft you'll find out that every unit can be used in certain strategies.
In Red Alert you’ll find out that every unit is completely useless except for a few.

Warcraft is a test of your micro skill.
Starcraft is a test of your brain and hand.
Red alert is a test of your patience.

Strategies in Warcraft change according to the latest patch.
Strategies in Starcraft change according to the pros.
Strategies in Red Alert are ambushes.

In Warcraft you say the word imbalance and everyone starts debating on race, hero and units.
In Starcraft you say the word imbalance and everyone disagree in general.
In Red Alert you say the word imbalance and you’re in the wrong discussion — every nation is the same.

Someone says Warcraft is crap and you will get pissed and start fighting.
Someone says Starcraft is crap and you will cast a sideward glance and ignore them.
Someone says Red Alert is crap and you will get pissed but still agree.

Play Warcraft long enough and you'll find out that it's a great game.
Play Starcraft long enough and you'll realize that starcraft is more than just a game.
Play Red Alert long enough and you’ll think a good company is more important than a good game.

Play Warcraft long enough and you'll think of how fun Warcraft is.
Play Starcraft long enough and your daily actions will be enhanced by Starcraft.
Play Red Alert long enough and you'll get more and more single-minded.

Play Warcraft long enough and you'll know more and more.
Play Starcraft long enough and you’ll be asking for more and more.
Play Red Alert long enough and you'll learn more and more rubbish.

Warcraft is the most brilliant game Blizzard ever created.
Starcraft is the art created by god via Blizzard for all gamers.
Red Alert is the reason why Westwood sucked.

I didn't write this one and I can't track down the original source. Obviously, the writer is a huge fan of Starcraft. I edited some entries and removed a few lines. I'm pretty sure Warcraft pertains to Warcraft III and its expansion. And based on what I've read, the Red Alert lines apply to RA I and II.

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