Where to put Wisps - Terenas Stand

Jan 14, 2010

The use of wisps as a scout is essential to a Night Elf player. It is fast and its Detonate ability makes denial of experience easy. It attaches itself to trees while mining lumber making it an excellent scout at the right places.

Terenas Stand

Where to put your wisps in Terenas Stand?

The following screenshots show good spots to place your wisp in. Most of these are places which can't be reached my most tier 1 melee units, making them very effective vs Orcs. Ultravision wasn't researched.

Click the mini-maps to see the whole screenshots. 1024 x 768, 200KB each

Wisps in Terenas Stand 1 Wisps in Terenas Stand 2

Wisps in Terenas Stand 3 Wisps in Terenas Stand 4

Wisps in Terenas Stand 5 Wisps in Terenas Stand 6

Wisps in Terenas Stand 7 Wisps in Terenas Stand 8

You can download all these screenshots together with the replay file here.

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