Clan Old School

Jan 8, 2010

It's in the blog title. It's in the URL. But what really is Clan Old School? Let me start the new year with a proper introduction - at last, after almost one and a half years.

the Clan

First Clan oS Blog header
first header of Warcraft Blog: Clan oS - Old School

Clan Old School is a Warcraft III Battle.Net clan in the Lordaeron server. It started out with a group of small friends (EZR-Vortex- as the chieftain) playing Warcraft III for fun. Arranged Team was the game type of choice and the clan quickly climbed the BNet ladder. The clan's peak was during the release of the 1.23 patch when it held rank 1 in 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4 game types for several weeks with clan stats far superior to the next.

Clan oS original leaders
original leaders - July 5, 2008

Clan oS new leaders
new leaders - Feb 8, 2009

As time passed by, the members grew more inactive - real life issues taking their toll on the clan. Some members left; others stopped playing the game. The clan may have lost its competitiveness but it still exists as a friendly clan today.

the Author

I, Mars(ATWithMePls) am the leader of the clan today and the author of this blog. I started this as a means of sharing Warcraft-related stuff outside of BNet inviting clan members to write and post. Some did contribute:
but most interactions are done through the shoutbox. :) As a clan of friends, we're open to anyone who's active, non-hacker and good-mannered.

If you want to play with me or join the clan, leave a message anywhere on the blog or send me a whisper on BNet.

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