StarCraft II Maps and Mods page
Mar 24, 2011
Blizzard opens Maps and Mods page on the StarCraft II official website.

StarCraft II Maps and Mods
This page will showcase the best SC2 maps. Looking at a similar section in WarCraft III, we can expect that these StarCraft 2 maps will be of high quality. We're not sure yet if this will contain only maps made by Blizzard though.
For now, there are only 2 available content, both under Map Making tutorials: Terrain Module and Publishing.
The Official Mods section lists SC2 maps made by Blizzard. There are 3 entries so far, all released on BattleNet.
STARJEWELED - Puzzle Strategy
Pit your puzzle-solving talents against your opponent's. Match jewels to generate resources - and spend them to attack with StarCraft II units, countering your adversary's forces and destroying their base.AIUR CHEF - Collection/Cooking
Gather and mix exotic ingredients in a cooking race against your opponents. Choose your recipes carefully to achieve culinary dominance and be counted among the most hallowed chefs of Aiur!LEFT 2 DIE - Survival and Siege
Working together with a partner, defend your base from onrushing zerg infested. Protect yourself from the relentless hordes during the night, and build up your forces to strike back during the daytime. Cooperate, or measure your survival in seconds.