Battle.Net relaunched

Mar 27, 2009

new Battle.Net

With the upcoming release of Blizzard's next games Starcraft II and Diablo III, Battle.Net was relaunched as a central account management for all Blizzard games. Starting with World of Warcraft (by merging WoW account), you can now create a single login for future Blizzard games.

One neat feature of this new Battle.Net is that you can add your games to the account. By storing your cd-keys on your account, you can download the games directly from Blizzard.

Some of the benefits of the account include:
  • Fewer passwords to remember. One single log-in lets you access World of Warcraft, the online Blizzard store, and more -- including upcoming games such as StarCraft II and Diablo III.
  • Opt in to upcoming Blizzard Entertainment beta tests. Put yourself in the running to be invited to test upcoming games.
  • Easy access to your classic games. Store your CD keys for classic Blizzard Entertainment titles, and then download the games whenever you wish.
  • And more to come... We're planning to add more features in the future, including tools to help friends communicate between games and bring players closer together.

The old Battle.Net can be accessed at

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