WoW, the most dangerous game in the market

Mar 6, 2009

Swedish Youth Care Foundation likens the MMORPG giant World of Warcraft to crack cocaine labeling it as the "most dangerous game in the market". The addictive nature of WoW has caught the attention of the organization whose report is backed by Swedish National Institute of Public Health. "The crack cocaine of the computer gaming world." as the org put it. For me, it is simply "World of Warcrack". xD

Sven Rollenhagen, author of the report adds "Some people are literally unable to drag themselves away and will play it till they drop... There is not a single case of game addiction that we have worked with in which World of Warcraft has not played a part."

The case in point is that of a 15-year old who suffered from convulsions after playing the game non-stop for 24 hours. The teenager fully recovered but the father launched a campaign warning parents of the dangers of prolonged gaming sessions.


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