Clan oS Summer Replay Spotlight

Jun 18, 2011

spiritaco3(HU)/2QuicK(OC) vs 4sMaster(OC)/oCE.FIGHTO(UD)
By Des

Spotlight #1 will feature a game between 2Quick with his partner, the silent but deadly spiritaco3 against 4smaster with the veteran player fighto (Ravin.d). The game starts off with 4sMaster harassing spiritaco's farms, which turns out to have done nothing as a few peasants are sent to repair it.

Peasant: Your attempts are futile!

After a series of engagements between footmen, fiends, and grunts in 2QuicK's base, the Undead/Orc team is forced to retreat. 4sMaster; however, is a greedy man and decides to go for the archmage kill. Things don't go too well.

Pew Pew

Blademaster: ARgggh!

The game eventually draws itself out with hero exchange at 4sMaster's base, and hit and runs from the undead player while the human/orc team creeps in attempts to get their secondary heroes to level 3.


Eventually, 4sMaster is able to build up his army and join with his undead partner's forces to launch an attack on 2QuicK's base. But at this point, spiritaco has realized that water elementals would not be good against destroyers. A quick retrain tome into blizzard allows it to be combo'd with Thunder Clap, bringing fiends down to low health really fast.

run for your lives!

Knowing he can not engage the powerful human/orc army, Fighto continues harassing 2Quick's burrows, TP's are forced, but every time the Undead player is forced to teleport back, resulting in even trades.
Eventually, the Undead/Orc team is able to rebuild their forces and gather again for a large confrontation, they score an early Mountain King kill due to bad positioning, but Blizzard is still able to tear through their army, allowing 2QuicK's force to go on a right clicking spree.

The Fight ends with the Undead heroes escaping, which leads to a series of hit and runs. Eventually the human/orc team regroups and is able to take out the opposing orc base. The Orc manages to TP out with both his heroes before the base falls. The Undead expansion is scouted and the acolytes are dismantled by 2QuicK's Blademaster


2QuicK and spiritaco then move up to Fighto's base to finish the game. The Undead player TPs in, fiends quickly being dismantled by rifle fire with the combination of blizzard and thunder clap. In the end it came down to a desperate attempt to score hero kills, but 4sMaster's blademaster is gunned down by the 2-2 Riflemen.


The Undead heroes fall shortly after and Fighto is forced to gg out.

Replay is now up:

Look for more replay spotlights in the future!

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