Diablo II: LOD patch 1.13d

Oct 28, 2011

Patch 1.13d for Diablo II: Lord of Destruction just came out a few minutes ago. Read the patch notes, changes, download links and more info here.

Diablo II downloading patch from BNet

Download Diablo II: Lord of Destruction patch 1.13d

  • Connect to Battle.Net from the game to download the latest patches as soon as they become available.
  • Official Diablo II patches page - contains links to patches for both the original game and the expansion, for both Windows and Mac
  • Download Diablo 2: LOD patch 1.13d stand-alone, official download links: Original game; Lord of Destruction

Diablo II: LOD patch notes/changelog:

New Features

  • Ignoring players is now saved between sessions of the game. All ignores are now written out to disk (file: 'ignorelist'). This feature can be toggled by issuing the command '/ignorepersist'.
  • Users can now filter messages based on content by issuing the command '/filtermsg '. To unfilter content issue the command '/unfiltermsg '. (The maximum length of a filter pattern is 128 characters)
  • Users can now set their home channel by issuing a new Battle.net chat command '/home ' while in the Battle.net chat interface.
  • Users can return to their home channel at any time by issuing the command '/home' while in the Battle.net chat interface.

Major Bugs

  • Fixed a known dupe method.
  • Fixed another issue where players were able to stack auras in an unintended way.

Minor Bugs

  • Fixed a bug where Mercenaries wouldn't have multiple auras active when they should have.
  • Fixed an issue where players could create games prefixed with color codes.
  • Potentially fixed an issue where players would be disconnected when watching the cinematics when in a Battle.net game.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash when running in windowed mode with sound disabled and the game tried to play a cinematic.

Battle.net Chat Reminder

Battle.net provides a number of ways to manage in-game spam and communication from
other players. Some of these commands are:

/options ignorepublic (/o igpub)
- Ignores messages in public chat channels from anyone who isn't on your friends list.

/options unignorepublic (/o uigpub)
- Reallows messages in public chat channels from anyone who isn't in your friends list.

/options ignoreprivate (/o igpriv)
- While in private chat channels you will not receive messages from anyone who isn't in your friends list.

/options unignoreprivate (/o uigpriv)
- Re-allows messages in private chat channels from anyone who isn't in your friends list.

/options ignorewhispers (/o igw)
- Ignore whispers from anyone who isn't in your friends list.

/options unignorewhispers (/o unigw)
- Reallows whispers from all users.

More info:

  • The previous Diablo 2 patch, 1.13c was released on March 23, 2010.
  • This is not a content patch, unlike the last one which added many features to the game including the Pandemonium Event.
  • More BNet chat features added to combat bots and spammers. The Battle.Net Chat Reminders aren't new though. They're just included in the patch notes to remind players of the existing ways to ignore messages from unwanted sources.

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